This is my dissertation that I did for the completion of my master in The University of Birmingham. And it is a mix of robotic logic and image processing methods, including the off-the-shelf robot Rovio from WowWee.
This project presents a telerobotic agent framework for WowWee Rovio. An advanced and
parametrical Graphical User Interface has been implemented. Through this GUI the operator can
manually command the available agents or can trigger agents to complete tasks by applying them
autonomous behaviours. For the completion of these tasks, that require object recognition
techniques, advanced image processing methods were developed. The design and the
implementation of advanced tasks were possible after developing and completing successfully
smaller and simpler tasks. The GUI allows the intervention of the user applying semi-autonomous
behaviour for specific functionalities in order to help agents to successfully fulfil autonomous co-
operating tasks. Experimental results and measurements of this framework demonstrate that the
Rovios can successfully and efficiently complete the various tasks within a reasonable amount of
time meeting all the constraints that have been set.
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