In this project I finally ported Ubuntu 10.04 Lucid with the LXDE windows environment to the Thunder Board of TechNexion. From the beginning you can notice that is very stable and quick. Especially if you compare it with the standard distro for this board that officially TechNexion is providing.
In the other hand, the graphical environment of LXDE looks similar to the XFCE4 that someone can use in distros of linux like Xubuntu or ArchLinux. However, my personal opinion is that is better and much user friendlier than the XFCE4.
I will not provide a detailed documentation on how I managed to port finally Ubuntu 10.04 in this board. I will give only some general directions.
For those who have more questions can contact me.
Also in the end of this post are some videos and photos of this implementation.
General Guides:
1. SD card no smaller than 1 GB.
2. 2 partitions (boot:1 fat (<80MB) & rootfs:1 ext3 (the rest))
3. Boot partition:3 files: MLO(x-loader), u-boot.bin (bootloader), and uImage (image of the kernel that supports the current board, cpu architecture-arm and peripherics, precompiled kernel of TechNexion 2.6.32 (download folder of the web page of TechNexion))
4. Create your own Ubuntu/debian root file system using the rootstock command/program.
5. After the creation of the rootfs, untgz it (using tar -zxf <...>.tgz) and place it in the rootfs partition of the SD card.
6. Rename the folder that exists in the /rootfs/lib/modules as 2.6.32.
7. Apply these commands in order to use sudo su when the system is running. Initialy from the RS232 and after that in the system.
>sudo chown root:root /usr/bin/sudo
>sudo chmod 4111 /usr/bin/sudo
>sudo root:root /etc/sudoers
> chmod 0440 /etc/sudoers
8. Unmount the SD card and initialise the Thunder Board with that.
Would you mind sharing a disk dump of the SD card?